Great Lakes National Puppet Theater

Patrick Brazzon

​Jessica Cowan

Kharla Garner

Jan & Terry Griffith

Gwen Horrigan

​Rudy Keron

Bryan Kroeger

​Ron & Kari Lankford

Michael Martin

Lynnea Robert

​John Shapiro

​Rachel Spence

Michael J. Tharp

Melissa Thompson

Kerri Walker

Becky Watts

Patrick Weigand

Kat O'Brien     

JoLynn Yoder

Bub & Yvonne Ball

Susan Stroupe

Rochelle Wilde

Justin Cooley

Kevin Meister

Jodi May

Dale Aikens

Page Nealer

Pat Brazzon

Marcie Dickey

Pastor Kari Lankford               

Bobbi Muhr                                 

Jason & Denise Chapman      Pamela Crassidis

Bridget Fulmer

Aileen Cairns

David Merritt

Dave Eubank

Alva Dworkin Living Trust

Mariana & David Syrotiak

Peter Syrotiak

Joshua Herman

Great Lakes National Puppet Theater wishes to thank all of the friends and family that have generously contributed to help support our work and our vision.
